P.O. Box 161355, Altamonte Springs Fl. 32716407-286-4369students@ministryoffirechristianuniversity.orgMon.-Fri. 9am-5pm
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P.O. Box 161355, Altamonte Springs Fl. 32716407-286-4369students@ministryoffirechristianuniversity.orgMon.-Fri. 9am-5pm
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    We pray that your life will be totally blessed by the words you are about to read. We know that you will be encouraged and strengthened as you read these books. We pray that you will be open to receive what God has for you. Be delighted in what is written.

    For the benefit of many, this book was written in English and has been translated into Spanish and Urdu (Middle East).

    Miracles!, Miracles!, Miracles!

    Do you believe in miracles? Even if you don’t think you do consider this:
    Was it by pure accident that you picked up this book and are now browsing through its pages?

    We have all heard stories of people instantly being healed of life-threatening illnesses; of people diverted away from disasters by seemingly chance events; and of long lost loved ones finding each other again under extraordinary circumstances. If you believe in angels you know that a divine force, a higher power, intervenes in each of these cases. Miracles are real and occur every day. If we would only pay attention to the events in our daily lives, we would be able to experience miracles, more frequently and to a greater degree.

    You can read Dr. Gonzalez’s book here: Puede leer el libro aqui: 

